domenica 4 ottobre 2015

Dreams are in colour...

Yestarday I also got to devour the beautifully told by Fanny Britt and wonderfully illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault : Jane the Fox and me. Elements that fascinated me about this story:

1- loved the choice of having reality black and white and dream reality in colour, I totally associate to this picture
2- the choice of the dialogues going in transparent ballons which are in fact drawn
3- at first I thought if was the work of just one author and was surprised to find out it was a work of two, but what a symbiotic pair :). Would simply love to have such a creative encounter.

For more pictures I shall redirect to this already existing review by Amy Bronwen Zemser, I don't know her but I like her already. Going through her pages I found her ambition was to review one picture book a day... Would love to do it too but I am "technologically challenged" so it will have to be what comes. 

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